How far along:
15 wks 7 days
How big is baby:
an apple (4 inches long 2 1/2 oz.)
Total weight gain:
I lost a pound this week
Maternity clothes:
I am pulling the whole rubberband trick on most of my pants now days
I have been waking up every morning around 3 and staying up for over an hour blah
Best moment of the week:
Hearing little beans heartbeat and having big bro be SO EXCITED!
Food cravings:
Eggs, Salmon, Tomatoes
Food aversions:
Hamburger, Chicken, ok really any Meat the smell of Ketchup
Headaches from HELL, Hot Flashes, Nausea even with Zofarn at night
feel it almost every night and a few times a day!
30 days AHH! August 17th is the big ultrasound, but we won't be finding out until the 18th... if i can wait!
What I’m looking forward to:
the weekend :)
What I miss:
Not waking up and going to bed with a headache!
:sorry no pictures this week because i am too lazy tonight:
I'm feeling the whole headache from hell thing...blah!!
I am so sorry! It is the worst! I finally talked to my doctor and I got some type of medicine that has helped a little bit, I will look and see what it is called if you would like!
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