I can't believe that Ragnar has came and went... I had way too much fun, I haven't laughed that hard for a while now, My parents are to funny the less amount of sleep they get the funnier! Thursday we headed down for Mesquite, stopped and had In and Out for lunch haha what a wonderful pre race meal ;) but oh so good! I love me some In and Out! We got to St. George around 7:30ish had pasta factory yummy and then we were in the car again headed to the hotel, we got to the hotel around 10ish I tried to get right to bed but of course there was no sleeping, I was missing my boys MUCHO!! My room woke up at 4:30 yeah bright and early we sent off van 1 then got ready sat around ate breakfast decorated the car then we were off! My first run was so hard, it was 91 degrees while I was running WAY to hot to run, after I got done I broke down and cried my hips killed, I felt like I couldn't breath, I just wanted to die! I told Mike to NEVER let me do this again haha I felt like I did horrible, I had to walk a few times and I was just upset at myself! After everyone in our van was done I decided I didn't do as bad as I had thought I was just being extremely hard on myself, It was HHOOTT there were tons of people/teams that had to walk or not push themselves, and if they didn't they paid for it! We were able to go to our hotel shower eat and try to sleep I think I slept for maybe a half hour if that then it was off to meet van 1 and exchange! My 2nd run was much better all tho I was super tried! It had cooled down which was amazing after my first run after the run I told Mike too maybe let me do it again ;) we finished as a van around 3 am we went back to our hotel showered once again and slept for about 3 hours when I woke up I felt like a million bucks! It is amazing how just 3 little hours of sleep does for you when you haven't slept for 24 hrs. we ate a quick breakfast then it was of to exchange with van 1 once again, I must say I totally look up to our team captain he had a hard run then too very hard runs plus one of his runs was the Ragnar Hill plus it was 10 miles, he rocked it I don't even think I could walk it in the time he did it, he was always so good to get out of the car and "support" any of us, even after he just ran and I am sure he was dead tired. My 3rd run was the run I was scared to death for I hadn't ever ran any where close to 5.7 miles and it was my last leg, my hips were killing my knees were killing and I felt like throwing up everything I had just ate for breakfast! My leg was mostly down hill which was wonderful, at about the first mile I just wanted to give up and never ever run again then something hit me and I felt so great, I ran the whole 5.7 miles and did 10 min miles to boot! I was so happy with myself and right then I became hooked I love feeling that feeling of achievement, I haven't ever been as proud of myself as I was that in that moment, and that is when I said to Mike I will be doing this again! I LOVED the time I was able to spend with my parents, I loved being able to grow closer to them! I loved learning more about the others in my van! It was just a wonderful time! I am so thankful to both my parents and my cute husband for pushing me, supporting me, cheering for me, i would have never been able to do it with out them! Thank you Thank you!
Now I am going to share just one of the ways my mom is the very best, her little sister has had 4 hip replacements because she has arthritis in her joints she has been told she has the bones of a 80 year old, she is only 37! One day my cute aunt called my mom crying saying that all she has ever wanted to do is run a race, my mom decided to run Ragnar with my dad so that she could give my aunt her saints and sinners metal you have to run both the Wasatch and Vegas to be able to get it but my mom did it, she also was able to put her story in the RagMag so everyone that reads it will be able to read my moms story! she is such a great example to me she is so good to look and see what needs to be done for others, she is always so willing to drop everything and do whatever for anyone! Mom you Rock, I look up to you so much, someday when I grow up I want to be just like you even when you haven't slept in 48 hrs! I love you so much!
so awesome! It really is such a great feeling of accomplishment, especially when you're doing something like this with people you love. I'm proud of you Raquel! :) Now when are we going running together? ;)
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