About Me

My photo
We started our eternal family November 8, 2008 in the Logan temple. Our beautiful son was born August 28, 2009. We are so blessed to be parents we don't know what we would do without Isaiah! He has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives! We thank heavenly father daily! Mike builds and fixes computers, is trying to start up two businesses, going to school and is working for ThermoFisher. I get to work at Post High working with special needs students part time and be a full time mom I love both my jobs! We are busy to say the least but when we have free time we enjoy taking Isaiah to the park, going on walks, watching movies, and spending time with our wonderful friends and families!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

About Me...

Ten years ago...
I was ten years old, I was in 4 grade Mrs. Denny was my teacher. I was friends with Carley Jeppsen, Shanty Hess, Suzie Rupp, Regina Gonzlas, Ashley Bird and so many more. I was way shy, but I loved hanging out with my friends, I loved to be outside and play made up games I had an amazing imagination! I had a club house in the loft of my grandparents barn and we played up there for hours on end.

Five years ago...
I was a freshman in high school. I had tons of friends we loved to have parties and dance! I only went to school for social reasons I hated actual school! I loved boys I had tons of guy friends and probably dated most of them, I had to go into the office every time I wore a skirt to see if it was long enough and it always was... the Mr. Bingham HATED me. My friends and I thought it was cool to walk home from school which we did a lot, we also loved to go and get slushies and Pizza Plus was the cool place to hang out.

Five Months ago...

It was October I was still getting use to being a mom, Isaiah was a 2 months old we spent a lot of time sleeping and not a whole lot more. Mike was working nights and working to get Sumsay up and going. It was Isaiah's first Halloween he was a cute little monkey and a duck!

Five things on my list to do today...

1. Clean the kitchen

2. Fold the laundry

3. Go on a walk

4. Make some thing for dinner

5. Get the drapes up in the kitchen

Five snacks I enjoy...

1. Ice cream

2. Cookies

3. Chocolate Cake

4. Chips

5. Strawberries

Five things I would do if I became a billionaire...

1. Build our dream house

2. Give money to a good cause

3. Buy my Range Rover

4. Take my mom shopping

5. Buy my dad a brand new sled

Five of my bad habits...
1. I sleep with my contacts in
2. I hate cooking
3. I let Isaiah sleep with us
4. I hate doing the dishes
5. Some times I forget to flush

Five places I have lived...
1.West Valley
2. Layton

Five things people don't know about me...
1. I hate answering/ talking on the phone
2. I work for Mike, all I have to do is mail things and I get paid.
3. Some times I eat ice cream for breakfast
4. I love Life cereal we have 30 boxes of it in our garage
5. I have never colored my hair

I tag Kaleena, Janet, Anne, and Shandi


Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

I totally hate talking on the phone and I am addicted to Life!!! Loved the post!!!



Mike and Raquel Corral said...

Thank you Morgan you are nice you should do it to!
